The magic of the Andara
Elestial Sapphire/Angel Aura Yin & Yang Pendant Andara with connection to Master El Morya & Mary Magdalene Transformation high vibrational Ascension process 5+++ Handmade 3.5 cm Mount Shasta
Elestial Sapphire a channel of the pure “Blue Ray”.
Its vibration, emanating from the core of the universe, is the holographic stream of Now, limitless like us.
Angel Aura adds a distinct energetic quality to the look and feel of Andara.
A misty white veil of light with a hint of opal essence radiates his angelic spirituality.
Angel Aura Andara brings peace, light and spiritual healing, uplifts the soul and helps one spread one's wings.
❤️Namaste my dear souls
♥️I am an Akashic Record Medium and was guided by the spiritual world to my business partner/artist Adei.
♥️Adei and I Doris are the founders of these beautiful Yin & Yang pendants we designed and created them
❤️I am so happy to be able to work with this wonderful friend.
♥️My Yin & Yang pendants were energetically charged by me through the spiritual world through the energies of the golden age
With love, Doris 🥰
💎 Yin and Yang – The eternal balance of life
Yin and yang are often depicted in a harmonious circle divided in half. This symbolism illustrates the inextricable connection and interplay of the two forces. Within every aspect of yin lies a spark of yang—and vice versa. This ancient symbol embodies the constant flow and dynamic interplay of opposites that complement each other rather than contradict each other.
But the meaning of yin and yang extends far beyond mere duality. It reminds us that in every opposite lies the potential for unity and personal development. The symbol represents harmony, balance, and wholeness—the art of finding balance amidst opposites. This wisdom helps us to more consciously understand life and the world around us and live in harmony with it.
The yin and yang symbol is also an invitation to self-reflection. It reminds us to strive for inner balance, to accept our strengths and weaknesses, and to unite opposites within ourselves. Those who recognize and integrate yin and yang within themselves can lead a fulfilling, harmonious life.
🌿 Yin and Yang in nature
Nature is a wonderful reflection of this principle. Day and night, summer and winter, ebb and flow – all these cyclical phenomena show us that opposites do not exist in isolation, but rather condition and complement each other. This natural balance is also reflected in our lives: phases of activity require moments of calm, and after every storm comes sunshine.
☯ Yin and Yang in everyday life
The concept of yin and yang can be applied to many areas of life. If we feel stressed and exhausted, we should nourish the yin within us – with calm, relaxation, and mindfulness. If, on the other hand, we are sluggish and listless, it helps to strengthen the yang – through movement, inspiration, and activity. Those who consciously balance between these two poles will find greater well-being, energy, and inner harmony.
💎 Yin – The gentle, receptive force
Darkness – Yin represents the mysterious, the unknown and the hidden.
Calm – It embodies relaxation, passivity and serenity.
Femininity – Yin is associated with gentleness, intuition and receptivity.
Cold – Yin symbolizes cool and calming qualities.
Earth – As the foundation of life, Yin embodies stability and rootedness.
Yin symbols – moon, water, darkness, night, softness, moisture.
💎 Yang – The dynamic, creative force
Brightness – Yang represents the obvious, radiant and illuminating.
Activity – It represents movement, energy and determination.
Masculinity – Yang is associated with strength, rationality and assertiveness.
Heat – It represents warmth, passion and vitality.
Sky – Yang symbolizes the rising, the vastness and the expansion.
Yang symbols – sun, fire, brightness, day, hardness, dryness.
Yin and Yang teach us that true fulfillment lies in balance—between stillness and movement, receiving and giving, calm and energy. Those who recognize this balance live more consciously, harmoniously, and in harmony with nature.
☯ Find your balance – because true harmony lies in the interplay of opposites.
💎El Morya represents the ray of divine will and power.
Its energy leads us to our self, to our primal trust.
If you speak to Master El Morya directly, he can help you strengthen your confidence with his divine energy. You will regain your self-confidence, that is, your belief in your own abilities and talents.
💎This gives us courage again.
Courage to try new things
Courage to try something without having to be perfect at it
Courage to speak out and address things
to take the necessary steps, to implement our visions, to discover the world with curiosity again.
You'll also gain access to your lost, fundamental trust, which shaped you especially in your early years. This unshakable basic trust in people and the environment will be reactivated through energy work with El Morya, and you'll feel comfortable in your body again. With this healthy dose of trust, it will be much easier for you to make important decisions in your life with self-confidence and confidence in the future.
💎At the same time, El Morya restores a talent that is controlled not by the intellect but by the subconscious: intuition. When your inner voice speaks to you and you have a kind of premonition, you will be able to better perceive moods and assess situations with your feelings. If you trust and listen to your gut feeling, difficult situations, dangers, problems, and challenges will no longer frighten you. On the contrary, you will actively engage with them and resolve them.
💎Open your energy for inner clarity.
To know what's good for me. To recognize where I'm still making myself a victim of external circumstances and to change that.
We experience a stronger connection to our soul and our true being. This makes it easier for us to recognize our life plan and act accordingly.
💎Mary Magdalena’s energies give us love and security, the feeling of
"I'm okay"
She is a comforter of souls who can heal old wounds.
Their energies are not only capable of healing our sexuality, which had been degraded into something bad over many years and "false" morals.
💎Mary Magdalene stands for wisdom, all-encompassing love and eternal peace.
Maria's energies activate the spiritual gifts such as
Healing ability
Angel contacts
💎They help to gain better access to the other dimensions, are very transformative and stimulate the self-healing powers of the human being.
The energies of Mary Magdalene
start exactly where the soul needs help.
help to resolve the symptoms that appear in our physical body in the form of illness very quickly.
💎Mary's energies can release blockages that hinder us.
where our thinking is inflexible, rigid and without love
where we still let our ego take precedence over love.
where we hide our own needs behind a helper syndrome.
Where our blockages are or who or what blocks us in our thinking, feeling and acting.
Maria is a very sensitive and high-vibrating being. She brings the highest love and awareness to humanity. She is very delicate, powerful, yet discreet and beautiful, her energy loving.
💎Heart Chakra,
Healing, heart strengthening, transformation, healing ability, gateway to the soul, soul brightening, grounding, angel journeys, green crystal energy is used to release blockages and balance the heart chakra
💎Throat Chakra Activation
Chakra - Vishuddha - Throat Chakra,
Center of expression and inspiration, perfection on all levels, connection between thinking and feeling, awareness of our mental body
💎Monoatomic Andara Crystals are a soul-enhancing, high-vibrational healing tool that works on all levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual. The process creates a unique healing experience for each person, assisting them in releasing unwanted energies as they move toward the next evolutionary level of truth and return to their original divine consciousness.
Since Andara crystals were first discovered, many people who work with them have experienced profound changes in their lives. The person using the Andara crystal can raise their own vibration to reach, receive, and transmit the higher frequencies. Meditating with Andara crystals, using gemstone elixirs made from them, and wearing and working with them in other ways will help us attune to them and enhance our ability to use them as tools for healing and exploring our consciousness.
💎Andara Crystals are master crystals, healing agents and effective means to
to increase consciousness and vibration and thus access universal knowledge
to cleanse and balance the chakras
to activate the ability to channel energy
to accelerate the spiritual development process and help a person live the life they choose.
💎In addition to its extraordinary beauty, the Andara crystal is said to offer energetic benefits, healing properties, and protective functions. It is also said to enhance communication between nature and the crystal's owner.
💎The use of Andara Crystals does not replace treatment by doctors or alternative practitioners. In particular, such treatments should not be discontinued.