The magic of the Andara
Earth-Andara with connection to the cosmos and Master Saint Germain creative power highly energetic 5+++ high vibration single piece 111.2g Mount Shasta
💎Quantum healing
💎Healing energy
💎parts of your Higher Self activation
💎Vortex energy
💎Flooding of the Crystalline Ray
💎Christ energy
💎Quantum healing
Through intention and consciousness, quantum healing works on the energy field to restore the matrix to its original state without inhibiting patterns, limitations or blockages.
💎your higher self
If you can find and connect with your higher self, you will benefit not only immediately but also in the long term.
The benefits include:
💎Reduced anxiety and stress
💎More creativity and inspiration
💎Stronger intuition, you learn to interpret signs of the universe
💎You are more open to life and become more optimistic
💎You become more patient and tolerant
💎Don't be afraid of death
💎Unconditional love for yourself and others
💎You enjoy the moment instead of letting it pass unnoticed
💎You realize yourself
💎Focus your attention on the now
💎An important approach to increase your awareness and connect with your inner being is mindfulness.
💎Focus your attention on the moment whenever you can.
We spend far too much time dwelling on past events or worrying about the future, when in fact the present is all we have.
At first, it may seem difficult to live mindfully in everyday life. But with time and a little practice, it will become easier day by day.
💎Vortex energy
This sacred Andara Crystal has the power to reconnect, strengthen and brighten our inner light of the soul.
💎Crystalline beam
With the crystalline ray, the crystalline structures of the body can be clarified, brought to a higher vibrational level and ultimately to the highest vibrational level.
💎Connection between immaterial (light) and material world
💎Connection to collective fields
💎Connection with the divine order
all-encompassing consciousness
💎The crystalline ray connects light and the material world, everything created and emerging with the divine impulse, the divine principle with the earthly and man.
You can find their power wherever there is seemingly empty space.
Between atomic nuclei and electrons, between the planets of the solar system, between galaxies.
The crystalline ray also connects with the spiritual planes and beings.
Since the crystalline beam vibrates very high and penetrates everything, it can be used to open doors that are difficult to access.
To dissolve stubborn blockages and to transport information or healing energy.
💎Christ energy
Jesus Christ was a human being who lived on earth in crystalline consciousness. He embodied the Christ energy.
This is a very gentle, indescribably loving, divine force that is close to people and the earth.
We feel them as warm waves of love energy.
Many of us also see pictures of Christ in his human form and talk to him as if he were a good friend.
Some people are touched; it is almost like a gentle caress, noticeable in the energy body.
A touch from another dimension.
Golden light, gold particles that weave in, are present in inner images.
The Christ energy is received through the heart. It is the gateway to love.
💎Master Saint Germains
Divine energy supports us humans on our path of transformation. If you turn to him and his helping powers, this can activate the spiritual change process within you and you will receive more clarity, knowledge and insight.
💎Master Saint Germain is responsible for transformation, magic and alchemy. He helps you to free yourself from old patterns and to set in motion the free flow of karma in your body, which is so important for transformation.
By working with him, you learn to let go of old thought patterns, habits and pent-up emotions. You free yourself from the past and heal all your emotional wounds.
💎The energy of Master Saint Germain can help you to develop a new perspective and a deeper understanding of life. Through your new-found freedom, you will recognize the good in all the experiences that have happened to you in the past. You will learn to accept your supposed mistakes and recognize the benefit of all painful experiences. This will free you up for a free, independent and happy present.
💎Master Saint Germain helps you to recognize your true divine identity. His violet flame transforms the old that no longer serves you. This creates space for the new. You find the courage and devotion you need to embrace profound changes. In doing so, you develop a strong will and independence. With the energy of the master, you expand your consciousness and realize that you can shape your life according to your dreams. In doing so, you realize that you have free will and are responsible for your life.
💎I received a message from my masters and teachers from the Akashic Records.
💎The earth soul that is intended for this Andara Crystal will receive messages from the cosmic universe while meditating that I cannot receive through the Akashic Chronicle.
was allowed to receive.
💎Monoatomic Andara Crystals are a soul-strengthening, high-vibrational healing agent that works on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. The process creates a unique healing experience for each person, helping him or her to release unwanted energies as he or she moves toward the next evolutionary level of truth and returns to original divine consciousness.
💎Since Andara Crystals were first discovered, many people who work with them have experienced great changes in their lives. The person using the Andara Crystal can raise their own vibration to reach, receive and transmit the higher frequencies. Meditating with Andaras, using gemstone elixirs made from them, wearing them and working with them in other ways will help us to attune to them and enhance our ability to use them as tools for healing and exploring our consciousness…”
💎Andara Crystals are master crystals, healing agents and effective means to
to increase consciousness and vibration and thus access universal knowledge
to cleanse and balance the chakras
to activate the ability to channel energy
to accelerate the spiritual development process and help a person live the life they choose.
💎In addition to its extraordinary beauty, the Andara crystal is said to offer energetic benefits, healing properties and protective functions. It is also said to improve communication between nature and the owner of the crystal.
💎The use of Andara Crystals does not replace treatment by doctors or alternative practitioners. In particular, such treatments should not be discontinued.