The magic of the Andara
Sovereign Amethyst/Rose de France Andara Master Saint Germain/EE Zadkiel/ Master Jesus Sananda/EE Anthriel high-energy transformation energy booster 5+++ high-vibrational single piece 166.9g Mount Shasta
💎Sovereign Amethyst exceptional in quality, extremely strong and effective, with the highest, ultimate power.
💎Without limitations, able to move enlightened and freely between all worlds.
💎The color violet is particularly helpful for cleansing and freeing one from old emotional and karmic patterns, programs and programming.
💎Cleanse yourself with the Violet Flame as often as possible, so that the physical body will gradually be cleansed and freed from illness and imperfection.
💎Similarly, violet light or the violet flame can be sent to a situation, past, present and future, to heal it and obtain forgiveness and grace.
💎The violet ray of creation is guided by the ascended master St. Germain and accompanied by the Archangel Zadkiel.
💎Saint Germain stands for transformation
💎for the reconnection to our original pure form
💎to our primal sound
💎our primal vibration
💎for devotion
💎Self-love and spiritual alertness.
💎It sharpens our vision to recognize that emotions are rarely a good decision-making aid compared to intuition.
💎No argument should be fought in emotion and no decision should be made in excitement.
💎It helps you to let go of old emotional shackles, to gain a new inner freedom and to let yourself fall freely into the game of life, into the unknown.
💎Embracing the ups and downs without getting caught up in them.
💎To transform your ego and see humanity as a whole. To be objective and to recognize everyone else's free will and thoughts.
💎The energy of the violet ray supports devotion to things that our minds do not understand.
💎Our mind wants to understand first before giving its consent to a certain step.
💎But most of the time there are fears behind it that he wants to use to stop us from doing so. Fears that are based on many wounds and mistakes, on painful experiences and traumas that can be traced back to disturbing behavioral patterns, old beliefs, false and adopted ideas, negative thoughts, karmic entanglements and/or bonds.
💎Structures from which the mind forms its opinions and makes decisions.
💎With the energy of the violet ray we gain the power to transform all the structures that do not correspond to our soul plan and our true being. It opens us up to perception and observation from the heart level.
💎It helps to free yourself from external regulations and demands of others
💎Rose de France
💎Pink with amethyst to violet tones, Rose de France illuminates the essence of Noblesse Oblige, that your true being is far greater than any situation, with the freedom to rise in divine grace."
💎The magenta ray of creation is guided by the ascended master Jesus Sananda and accompanied by Archangel Anthriel.
💎Both stand for unconditional, universal love. For letting go, for the healing of our hearts and harmony in life.
💎Now is the time to become aware again of His boundless love, in all its wonderful facets. To become aware that we are all unique and valuable beings, a light of God.
💎It is the time to look behind the scenes and recognize and resolve all the distortion that the many earthly lives have brought with them.
💎As the director of the magenta ray, Jesus Sananda stands by us with his power and energy to help us bring all the inconsistencies and wounds in our hearts to light so that they can be redeemed.
💎To clarify and heal our deepest heartache in order to recognize our divine plan, our path of light, our truth and to align our actions accordingly.
💎To re-attune to the love of the universe, the universal love, the love of Christ.
💎Jesus Sananda guides and supports us in our process of growth, of taking responsibility for ourselves. He gives us the necessary strength for change and allows us to receive protection and care.
💎Archangel Anthriel, together with his female counterpart, Lady Harmony, accompanies Jesus Sananda on the magenta ray.
💎On our path to unconditional love, Anthriel supports us in understanding that we can only live and give pure love if we completely accept, love and respect ourselves.
💎He helps us to recognize and end our inner struggles, egoism, false pride and feelings of guilt, to redeem the deepest shadows within us so that inner peace and warmth of heart can develop. He gives patience and serenity and promotes loving communication.
💎Monoatomic Andara crystals are a soul-strengthening, high-vibrational healing tool that works on all levels
💎physically, emotionally and spiritually
💎The process creates a unique healing experience that is individual to each person, helping him or her to release unwanted energies, move towards his or her next evolution of truth and back to original divine consciousness.
💎Since Andara crystals were first discovered, many people who work with them have experienced great changes in their lives.
💎The person using the Andara crystal is able to raise their own vibration to match, receive and transmit the higher frequencies.
💎Meditating with, wearing and otherwise working with Andaras will help us attune to them and increase our ability to use them as tools for healing and the science of exploring our consciousness
💎The Andara Crystal is one of the master crystals, a healer and a powerful tool for
💎Increasing consciousness and vibration to gain access to universal knowledge
💎Cleanse and balance chakras
💎 activates the ability to channel energy, accelerates the spiritual development process and helps a person manifest the life he/she chooses.
💎In addition to exceptional beauty, Andara crystal is said to offer energetic benefits, healing properties and protective qualities.
💎It is also said to improve communication between nature and the owner of the crystal.
💎The use of Andara Crystals does not replace treatment by doctors or alternative practitioners. In particular, such treatments should not be discontinued